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New England Tour de Cure Blog

Welcome to the New England blog 

You’ve reached the central spot for everyone passionate about cycling, volunteering, and supporting a vital cause—the New England Tour de Cure Blog! Here, we aim to be your go-to resource for everything you need to know about participating in, supporting, and celebrating this amazing event. This platform is a leap forward from our previous newsletter, designed to bring you closer to the action and the stories that matter with all the convenience of digital access.

Our mission is to equip you with practical advice and insights whether you're gearing up for the ride, aiming to hit your fundraising goals, or simply seeking information on how to make the most of your participation. Beyond the logistics and tips, we're here to share inspiring stories from the heart. Discover why individuals like you join the ride, delve into the critical work of the American Diabetes Association, and learn how your involvement makes a tangible difference in the lives of those affected by diabetes.

We're eager to hear from you, too. If you have a personal story, a moment of inspiration, or a reflection on what Tour means to you, we invite you to share it. Your experiences could spark motivation and connection within our community. Email Tim at with your idea for a post.

Stay updated right here in the New England Blog on our Tour website. As our blog evolves, we'll ensure you have easy access to both new insights and timeless stories, available directly through our site and our Tour de Cure: New England Community on Facebook.

We're committed to keeping you informed and inspired, so watch for monthly emails with a rundown of the latest news from the New England Tour de Cure community and our Revolutionary Tour. Together, we ride to end diabetes.

Are you ready to join other passionate cyclists and health enthusiasts in one of the best charity cycling events of the year? Gear up for Tour de Cure®: New England, an American Diabetes Association® event that not only celebrates the joy of cycling, but also raises awareness and funds for a noble cause—the fight to end diabetes.

Every year, thousands of cyclists across the nation saddle up for Tour de Cure. Whether you’re a seasoned cyclist or a beginner, participating in this event promises an unforgettable experience filled with camaraderie, scenic routes, and a sense of accomplishment. Here’s your ultimate guide to what to expect on Tour de Cure: New England event day:

  • A celebration of health and fitness: Tour de Cure is a celebration of health and fitness. Expect to be surrounded by like-minded individuals who share your passion for leading an active lifestyle. From avid cyclists to families and corporate teams, participants from all walks of life are united by the common goal of fighting diabetes.
  • Choose your challenge: Whether you’re aiming for a leisurely ride or a demanding cycling challenge, Tour de Cure offers routes to suit every skill level, with 5-, 15-, 30-, 62-, and 100-mile options. From scenic paths to challenging terrain, you'll have the opportunity to choose a route that matches your abilities and preferences.
  • Rest stops and support: Throughout the ride, you'll encounter strategically placed rest stops stocked with refreshments and snacks to keep you fueled and hydrated. Volunteers and support staff will be on hand to provide assistance, mechanical support, and encouragement, ensuring you have everything you need to complete your ride safely and comfortably.
  • Community spirit: Tour de Cure is a community gathering. You'll meet fellow cyclists, volunteers, and supporters who are all passionate about making a difference in the fight against diabetes. Whether you're riding solo or as part of a team, you'll feel a sense of camaraderie and solidarity as you pedal toward the finish line together.
  • Making an Impact: By participating in the Tour de Cure, you're making a tangible difference in the lives of millions affected by diabetes. Funds raised through the event support critical research, advocacy efforts, education, and programs aimed at preventing and managing diabetes, ultimately helping to improve the lives of individuals and families affected by this chronic disease.
  • Crossing the finish line: As you approach the finish line, you'll be greeted with cheers and applause from fellow participants, volunteers, and spectators. Crossing the finish line is a moment of triumph and celebration, symbolizing your dedication, perseverance, and commitment to the cause.
  • Post-ride festivities: After completing your ride, stick around for the post-ride festivities and celebrations. Enjoy live music, games, a variety of lunch options, a beer garden, a Wellness Expo, and the awards ceremony as you relive the highlights of your Tour de Cure experience and connect with fellow participants.

Whether you're a seasoned cyclist or a first-time rider, participating in Tour de Cure is an experience like no other. So saddle up, pedal with purpose, and join the fight to end diabetes as you embark on your cycling journey. See you at the starting line in Lexington on August 18!

You can now find links to Ride With GPS files for routes, maps and cue sheets for the century and all New England Tour de Cure routes here in the Routes and Maps section of the Tour Event Details page:

  1. The Tour de Cure®: New England routes are outstanding. There are distances for everyone ranging from 5 to 100 miles. Riding on scenic roads in historic towns, including Lexington, Concord, Bedford, and Carlisle, you’ll pedal on parts of the routes traveled by Paul Revere and the minutemen in 1775.
  2. Cycling is a terrific way to get physically active in a sustainable way. What’s more fun than getting outside to ride with new and old friends? When the day ends, you’ll find yourself making plans to get together for more rides and, of course, next year’s Tour de Cure.
  3. Tour de Cure is about more than one day. Throughout the spring and summer, there will be training rides every week with the opportunity to move, connect with fellow riders, and prepare for your Tour de Cure adventure on August 18. The first big event on the calendar is our May 4 Kickoff Celebration at Revolution Hall in Lexington preceded by training rides. Stay tuned for details.
  4. It’s fun! After an inspiring sendoff at the start line, you’ll visit our rest stops along each route where our fabulous volunteers will greet you with smiles and everything you need to stay fueled and hydrated. Be prepared for surprises that will help generate the energy to get back in the saddle. And when you reach the finish line, a fantastic selection of food awaits, along with music, games, and our Tour Beer Garden.
  5. You get to be a superhero. When you were a kid, didn’t you want to dress in a colorful costume and fly around helping people? At Tour de Cure, you can put on your flashiest cycling outfit and pedal like crazy to raise funds, raise awareness, and make a difference in the lives of people with diabetes!

As you prepare to ride in the New England Tour de Cure® and support the fight to end diabetes, we want to share some basic information to help everyone understand why this fight is important.


Diabetes is a problem with your body that causes blood glucose (also called blood sugar) levels to rise higher than normal. This is also called hyperglycemia.

When you eat, your body breaks food down into glucose and sends it into the blood. Insulin then helps move the glucose from the blood into your cells. When glucose enters your cells, it is either used as fuel for energy right away or stored for later use. In a person with diabetes,  there is a problem with insulin. Your blood glucose will be affected in different ways depending on what type of diabetes you have.

The three most common types of diabetes are type 1, type 2, and gestational diabetes (GDM). If you have diabetes, your body either doesn’t make insulin, can’t use insulin it does make well, or both.

Diabetes may be treated with oral medications, insulin and other injectable medications, exercise, and an eating plan. If left untreated, diabetes can lead to several complications, such as nerve damage, kidney or eye disease, heart disease, and stroke. But, with a treatment plan and working with your diabetes care team, you can live a long, healthy life with diabetes.


In type 1 diabetes, your immune system mistakenly treats beta cells as foreign invaders and destroys them. When enough beta cells are destroyed, your pancreas stops making insulin and you need to take insulin to live.

Type 1 diabetes develops most often in young people but can develop in adults.


In type 2 diabetes, your body does not use insulin properly—this is called insulin resistance. At first, the beta cells make extra insulin to make up for it. But, over time, your pancreas can’t make enough insulin to keep blood glucose at normal levels.

Type 2 diabetes develops most often in older adults but is increasingly developing in young people.

Treatment for type 2 diabetes includes healthy eating and exercise. However, your health care provider may also prescribe oral or injectable medications (including insulin) to help you meet your target blood glucose levels.

Diabetes is a progressive disease, so how it is managed, including the medications you take, will change over time.


GDM is diabetes that develops during pregnancy. For most women, blood glucose levels will return to normal after giving birth. If you’ve had GDM, your risk for developing type 2 diabetes is higher, so you will need to be tested for it regularly.


The following symptoms are typical. However, some people with type 2 diabetes have symptoms so mild that they go unnoticed.

Common symptoms of diabetes include:

  • Urinating often
  • Feeling very thirsty
  • Feeling very hungry even though you are eating more
  • Extreme fatigue
  • Blurry vision
  • Cuts/bruises that are slow to heal
  • Weight loss—even though you are eating more (type 1)
  • Tingling, pain, or numbness in the hands/feet (type 2)


Work with your diabetes care team to make a plan that helps you manage your diabetes and reach your treatment goals:

A is for A1C: An A1C test tells you your average blood glucose for the past two to three months.

B is for blood pressure: Your blood pressure numbers tell you the force of blood inside your blood vessels. When your blood pressure is high, your heart has to work harder.

C is for cholesterol: Your cholesterol numbers tell you about the amount of fat in your blood. Some kinds, like HDL cholesterol, help protect your heart. Others, like LDL cholesterol, can clog your blood vessels and lead to heart disease. Triglycerides are another kind of blood fat that raises your risk for a heart attack or stroke.

Visit to learn more about diabetes.

By Dana Boisvert

My diabetes/Tour de Cure® story goes back several years.

In late 2012/early 2013, I had a pretty serious medical issue that put me in the hospital for several weeks. When I did get out, I had a lot of activity restrictions for a long time. I had been pre-diabetic for several years, but while hospitalized and recovering, my condition progressed into full type 2 diabetes.

After getting that diagnosis, I wondered what I could/should do to improve my health. My primary care doctor at the time didn't seem to have any great ideas except to prescribe insulin and other medications. I didn’t get advice on proper management of my diabetes with exercise or anything else. I felt kind of like a knick-knack put up on a high shelf to protect it from being damaged. That was not the kind of life I had any intention of living.

I had always been interested in cycling but never took it up as a regular thing. I did have a road bike and I would do 10–15-mile rides now and then. Lacking proper cycling clothing other than a helmet, I rode in some fluorescent yellow T-shirts and shorts. What a sight I must have been in those days. 

In late 2013, I was reading my copy of Bicycling magazine and saw a classified ad in the back for the New England Classic (NEC) Tour de Cure, a multi-day cycling adventure in New England with two-day or seven-day options. When I saw that it benefitted the American Diabetes Association®, I decided right then and there to sign up. I made that decision despite the fact the longest ride I had ever done was about 20 miles and with the “short” two-day option for the NEC being 150 miles. Not sure what I was thinking (maybe I wasn’t!), but I signed up anyway.

Very shortly after signing up, I got a nice voicemail from Tim Wilson welcoming me to the ride and mentioning I was the newest Red Rider® to sign up. This introduced me to the term "Red Rider," used to describe those of us who ride with diabetes. It was also my introduction to the nicest and most welcoming bunch of people I had ever met. 

I tried to do as many rides as I could to prepare for the big event. As spring rolled around, I learned that I could participate in the then multiple New England Tour de Cure events as training rides, and I took advantage. I rode in the North Shore Tour de Cure that May and had a great experience. I was able to ride the 62-mile route and finish it and was well on my way.

My first NEC was an absolute blast! It was the first time I met some of the folks that I have now known and ridden with for 10-plus years. The routes were great, the volunteers were the BEST, and the riders were as friendly as could be. Hearing "GO RED RIDER!" all during the weekend really made me feel great.

Since that first event, I have had similar experiences at every Tour de Cure event. And a lot of other things have changed for the better, in great part thanks to the Tour de Cure.

I have become a year-round cyclist who trains on an indoor trainer using Zwift during cold and wet New England winters. When I do get outside, while I do not exactly go looking for the steepest hills to ride, I don’t completely avoid them either. It has made me a better cyclist and opened up many more route options when living in New Hampshire. 

During this cycling journey, I have managed to greatly improve my diabetes numbers. I have lost around 50 pounds and have reduced or eliminated some of my medications, including being able to eliminate insulin. 

The real story here, though, is not about me, the cycling, or the fun of the event. It's much more about supporting the cause. My grandfather had type 2 diabetes and my mom and sister both have type 2 diabetes. I have three daughters—17, 15, and 5 years old—and much of the reason for what I do is to help support research so that, hopefully, my girls never have to deal with diabetes, finger sticks, insulin shots, etc.

As I said, since I started riding in the Tour de Cure, I have become an avid cyclist, also participating in many other charity rides for causes such as autism, veterans, and others. Off the bike, I have been a member of the organizing committee for both the NEC and the New England Tour de Cure. The cause and what cycling has done for me is so important. Like Paul Revere, I'd love to shout as a ride, not a warning but a promise: “The cyclists are coming to fight diabetes!”

Embark on a journey through time and landscape on the Tour de Cure®: New England Century. This 100-mile route isn't just about the miles, it's about the rich history and camaraderie that accompany you along the way.

Route Overview

The early part of the course encounters charming communities and iconic landmarks, including the historic towns of Lexington and Concord, steeped in the legacy of the Revolutionary War.

You’ll pass historic sites early on your ride, including the Lexington Battle Green where the shot heard round the world was fired, Minuteman National Historical Park, and the entrance to the Old North Bridge in Concord where militia from surrounding towns stood their ground and repelled the British Red Coat—all within the first 15 miles. 

History here is not all about the Revolution. Homes of American literary giants such as Emerson, Hawthorne, Thoreau, and Alcott dot your route through Concord.

In Carlisle you will arrive at the first rest stop and wind your way through the quiet towns of Acton and Boxborough, headed to the hills of Harvard, Mass. You’ll find no ivy-covered academic halls here, but instead will enjoy an outstanding view on Prospect Hill Road, the location of our second rest stop at the FruitlandsFRUITLANDS MUSEUM Museum.

Just after the 40-mile mark you’ll encounter a few quick, steep climbs, but they pay off with a glorious 2.5-mile descent on Oak Hill Road into Littleton. Catch your breath here as the route turns toward New Hampshire. But first, some fun awaits in the town of Groton.

At roughly the 50-mile mark you’ll enter the Lost Lake area on a 3-mile rollercoaster of a road for cyclists—with the emphasis on “roller.” Keep the pedals cranking here and you’ll zip up the short hills and zigzag your way through this spot, catching occasional glimpses of the lake that truly seems to be lost.

Just shy of 60 miles, the route takes you through the town of Pepperell and over its iconic covered bridge crossing the Nashua River. From here it’s less than 3 miles to the Granite State and our third rest stop in Hollis. This quiet and quaint MONUMENT SQUAREtown features the 1744-built Emerson House, the oldest building in the village center just off Monument Square, where you begin your turn back toward Massachusetts.

Returning to the Bay State, you’ll ride through Dunstable, Groton (encountering a near-hair pin turn), Tyngsborough and Westford on your way to the final rest stop in Chelmsford. The homestretch takes you into Carlisle through Great Brook Farm State Park and onto Maple Street, one of the sweetest riding roads around. Turn off Maple onto Route 225/Bedford Road, aka “The Spandex Highway,” and you are on the express route through Bedford to the finish at Lexington Labs.

Once we have a final assessment of road conditions on the full route and the communities we traverse issue permits, watch for a link to the route on Ride with GPS here in the blog, on the Event Details page of the website, and in an issue of our monthly E-News Bulletin.

Rest Stops

You can’t ride 100 miles on even the most beautiful route without taking an occasional break. Refuel and recharge at the carefully planned rest stops along the route, which come approximately every 25 miles. Stocked with an abundance of energy snacks, sandwiches, fruit, water, and a sports drink, these pit stops offer a chance to rest your legs, connect with fellow riders, and soak in the supportive atmosphere of the event. 

Camaraderie and Cause

More than just a cycling event, Tour de Cure: New England Century is a gathering of like-minded individuals united in the fight against diabetes. As you pedal alongside fellow riders, you'll forge bonds and share stories knowing that every mile brings us closer to a cure. 

Join us on this unforgettable journey through history, community, and the open road. Together, we ride toward a brighter, healthier future.

You can now find links to Ride With GPS files for routes, maps and cue sheets for the century and all New England Tour de Cure routes here in the Routes and Maps section of the Tour Event Details page: